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Chorus of young workers use their dreams to sing songs for Shenzhen

2013.01.08 管理员

 [Shenzhen Economic Daily] After the creation of one year, “Hard work can rejuvenate the nation—Songs of Shenzhen concept” lifted the veil to the society and caused a stir. It was called as “another miracle created by Shenzhen, a Miracle City”. Creators of the miracle come from the chorus of young workers in Shenzhen which consists of 120 external young workers from Shenzhen Kaizhong Precision Technology Co., Ltd. 

 In the evening of January 8, “The Chorale Suite ” appeared in Shenzhen concert hall for the first time. The most prominent people were those young workers with happiness on their face. Though their songs were not delicate and professional, they were enthusiastic and passionate with intense emotion. They had absolute sincerity from the bottom of their heart to sing the song belonging to themselves with the accompaniment of Shenzhen symphony orchestra. However, no one will expect that four months before, most people in this chorus did not even know numbered musical notations. They are successful in Shenzhen concert hall because they have the courage of “daring to be the first”.